Enjoy it?
Giving back?
Skill development?
There are other ways to contribute including community building.
This slidedeck focuses on R package development. 😉
Especially is open-source work happens in your free time.
Right amount of time, right task fit.
Ownership can be great! Your rules, your name.
Beware of burn-out
Interactions with users and contributors!
Both rewarding and time-consuming
Contributing guide (what are your expectations?)
Code of Conduct
Governance file?
rOpenSci past community call “Set Up Your Package to Foster a Community”
A way for you to start
A way for you to concentrate on your strengths
What you actually want to do!
First watch development and interactions, read contributing guide.
Start interacting in the repo.
What packages? Packages…
… that you use
… corresponding to your skillset or skills you want to learn
… that have room for external contributions
… where your work is valued!
[blog] Thank You to the rOpenSci Community, 2020https://t.co/Wbg9KeV1lC#RStats pic.twitter.com/6o0vqXLtZ9
— rOpenSci (@rOpenSci) December 15, 2020
A big thanks to @chrisderv who has been a great help throughout the tidyverse and r-lib filing issues, helping with reprexes, and making pull requests!
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) December 12, 2018
Now often your name won’t be on it, maybe only in the changelog.
How to still display your skills? Blogging, talks?
This was a very brief presentation, and a complex topic.
book “Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software” by Nadia Eghbal
rOpenSci contributing guide by Stefanie Butland and Steffi LaZerte
rOpenSci collaborating guide by the rOpenSci editorial team
Thanks for listening, thanks R-Ladies Johannesburg for organizing! 🙏
Happy R package development! 📦